
Absolute Elements Acupuncture and Rehabilitation is located within Integrated Wellness studio outside of Boston in Quincy, MA. With emphasis on providing treatment through Chinese medicine principles and activity modifications, Absolute Elements practices thoughtful patient care to promote both physical, emotional and mental well-being from a wide variety of ailments and conditions.


Dana Stack Sweeney, Owner

Occupational therapist and Licensed Acupuncturist



Meet Dana

Dana Sweeney is a licensed acupuncturist and occupational therapist. After several years working in subacute rehabilitation and with students in special education programs, she longed to find a way to help people improve their health on a deeper level. After spending a year exploring advancement programs, Chinese medicine and Acupuncture stood out as a bold contender in truly helping patients achieve recovery. Her core mission is to empower patients to be in charge of their own health through acupuncture, lifestyle counseling and activity/environmental modifications. Her attentive yet persistent nature has yielded stellar results for her patients.


Diplomate of Acupuncture (NCCAOM) board certified in Acupuncture,

Biomedicine & Foundations of Oriental Medicine

Licensed Acupuncturist through Board of Registration in Medicine of Massachusetts

National Board Certified Occupational Therapist (NBCOT)

MA Licensed Occupational Therapist

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy ‘09

Master of Acupuncture ‘19

Images provided by Will Condon of Shuttereyes Photography